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reversible pulpitis after filling

//reversible pulpitis after filling

reversible pulpitis after filling

I had filling a few years ago in the lower molar tooth; Three days ago after eating sweets i started to feel pain in my Wisdom tooth (near the tooth with filling); I used Advil and put some powdered aspirin near the gum, it helped a bit; but now I feel tingly feeling on the same side of my face; I feel like sneezing but I cant; I also got runny nose today; the eye on the same (right) side is watery! Thanks for your comment, Stacy! I went to a new dentist in November and she prepped my four top front teeth to replace the two crowns and put veneers on the upper two front teeth. The dentist recommends extracting the tooth, something about 2 roots being dead. I’m 17 years old if you need to know. I forgot to mention the pain got worse when the dentist drilled down into the tooth after the anethesia. Even chewing is ok, but the throbbing was there off an on. I had what the dentist called a small filling done on my bottom right side (fourth tooth from the front) A couple of days after the filling i noticed that it was uncomfortable at times when i would chew food on that side, it would make me jump but it wasn’t all that painful. ?Or is just normal pain and will hopefully go away in few days ? It started the next day with throbbing and over the past 7 days it has got slightly better each day and it’s now just a small, more niggling sort of pain. Problem is, since yesterday, I’ve started to have slight sore throat and a bit of chills. Now, the retainer is very hard and has not cracked. I’m afraid he will be insulted since he “pointed out” the abscesses to me on the xray. The dentist determined it is extremely unlikely that the tooth is infected. Do we get pulpitis simply because we had a deep filling, or is it to do with inadeqate filling materials? The question is: can dentin actually hurt? I had a root canal done on that tooth years and years ago (possibly approaching a decade now). what a fabulous and informative site! However, I already misused amoxicillin once before (this past summer for an earache that probably didn’t even need antibiotics. Hope all is well. Info on tests to check for oshmelitis of jaw, infection lock jaw, Ludwigs angina as neck is swollen. This makes me believe that they probably are. Thanks so much for your response. Yes, a Cerec crown should be able to still be done for your tooth. Several things can cause tooth sensitivity after a filling. Stranger yet, whenever this happened, both my ears also started ringing, the intensity of the sound varying with the intensity of the pain in #24. Good luck getting your mouth healthy again. I visited my dentist within a few days. After that I went to the hospital because he pretty much said my Xray didn’t show anything and I was in so much pain every time I drank something cold. Surely, everything should be done to save the tooth?! This could be caused by orthodontic treatment, such as braces, that makes the tooth move so fast that the blood vessels can’t keep up and the pulp’s blood supply gets cut off. One of the teeth is not so sensive now and I am worried the pulp has died and I will have problems later. because when I sit up or stand up the pain goes away. Thanks. Several things can cause tooth sensitivity after a filling. Your thoughts? Luckily the symptoms are much different to trigeminal neuralgia. I’m only 26, and it’s my front tooth, the very last thing I want is a root canal. I have another appointment scheduled two days from now for another filling and i will tell her about it but i’m afraid she’ll suggest it requires a root canal and as it’s costly and i don’t have dental insurance. Many times these can look just like abscesses on x-rays. The holistic dentist never put gauze and that’s why it didn’t hurt for 10 years. As an aside, I do strive to provide accurate, current dental health information. Its a very deep filling ive been told. Unfortunately even though we live in Australia and have private health cover there is only one endontologist in the island state we live in. A similar but less severe pain has been sporadically present since the day of the preparation. 1. I do not know how to put my question, but I am afraid my new dentist will be pulling a good tooth from an xray show dark or something at root while an xray was taken 5 yrs ago biy another dr. that says it has not changed since then. No warmth trigger or coldness trigger. I wish I would of gotten a root canal when I first experience my airplane ride, because now I am afraid to fly as well as scuba dive. For example, if one tooth has a gold crown, and the tooth above or below it has a silver filling, you might feel an odd sensation when they touch. I’m not sure if i have reversible pulpitis that is finally improving or if it’s irreversible and because my tooth to going to need further treatment. My theory is wearing the retainer at night and (perhaps) clenching (though a sleep study revealed not a single evidence of grinding/clenching – but I’ll work with the “go to” that DDS seem to suggest as a cause – that “if” I did clench that the ‘extra’ compressive forces multiplied the compression forces greatly causing the cracks, splits, and perhaps craze lines. I see some people need to wait months for the nerve to ‘calm down’, and I’m fine doing that. Thanks Gareth. last 2 months has got worse and now requiring very strong painkillers to even control and get any sleep at night. The zirconia is very tough; I honestly think I could chew nails with this thing. It doesn’t bother me at all during the day but at night the gum swells a bit around the back of the tooth with the filling and between them, and throbs. This pain has become agonizing, I went to the dentist and the xray seems to show the tooth is ok. You already know thus considerably in terms Thanks for your comment – let me know if you have any other questions. The antibiotics are strong enough that I will need a stomach calmer (prevent vomiting i think)…. During the night the pain was awful and i had to take Advil to stop the pain which worked well. My dentist actually told me I should stay off the internet when I told him a dentist online recommended I ask for those tests. During reversible pulpitis treatment, your dentist will remove any cavities and add a filling to stop the pulp being exposed. She is however on cancellation list but I am so worried that this could become more serious. I would like to repeat that it doesn’t inflict any continuous pain at all. It could be more serious, but since your dentist commented that you wouldn’t need a root canal, I’d put my money on reversible pulpitis. I caught an infection in it and I was very stressed and upset that my tooth wouldn’t be saved. The dentist told me that my own teeth were in bad shape underneath as the seals weren’t good and so a lot of decay had formed and he had to drill more tooth away than he was happy with therefore I may need root canals. One of the reasons (one of many) that I’m terrified to get a crown or implant is that I really want to get braces again once my husband finishes grad school at the end of this year and has a long-term job, and I don’t know if I can have them if I’m missing my real teeth. I had the crown buildup done mid-February and had a temporary crown for a couple of weeks. When I accidentally bite a piece of food, however, the pain will flair to the jaw and ear. In an emergency, I’m sure you’d want to get it at the local pharmacy anyhow. Can you tell me how long it is possible to have pulpitis without the pulp dying and causing intense pain? The only way to fix it is to have a root canal treatment performed (wehre the dentist or endodontist removes the dead pulp and fills it up with a rubber material) or to have the tooth extracted. Everything looked pretty good. I’m not sure how you would be able to tell, but in general, a specialist will be able to provide a high quality of care. Hi Jesse – Since I can’t see you in person or see your x-rays, I can’t tell you exactly what’s happening, but I’ll let you know what I believe is going on given what you’ve stated. I went to another dentist who checked it and said that the other dentist might have already started the root canal and it s too late now. If the tooth decay never went to the nerve AND there is enough tooth structure left to hold onto a crown, then you wouldn’t need to have the root canal done before the crown is placed. Does continuing sensitivity indicate that the nerve is still alive? This wasn’t something new as from time to time (maybe 1x a year) I’d feel this but the “inflammation” would normally last only a day or two, But NOT this time though!… over the course of a week my gums around this molar were inflamed and the pressure/pain became massive beyond belief! Any thoughts on this? Sometimes it feels like the pain is from the injection site, sometimes it feels like the top teeth hurt, sometimes the jaw. Several days later I had a cup of hot tea and my front tooth was extremely sensitive, even to warm, but not cold. And another thing which i would like to ask you is,what are these restorative mouthwashes & how-when to use them? I am a 31 year old woman with perfect teeth until my car crash 10 years ago. She put endo ice on and had brief sensitivity. In any case I will visit the dentist next week to check what is actually going on inside the tooth. I feel like he reduced the bite on the crown so that the teeth immediately in front (particularly the top) have too much pressure on them. What a bummer. Thank you. My symtoms got worse with a bad throat, wierd tingling tongue,head aches. Thanks so much! swallowing difficulties. The pain didnt kick in right away but after 30 seconds or so. I had no spontaneous pain. It feels better when I sleep and when I get up in the morning it feels almost normal, but after being up and awake the pressure and tightness returns. is there a test so a dentist can make a different diagnosis? I clean it out with salt water, baking soda, several drops of clove and eucalypus oils, dry it with gauze and cover the hole with dental wax. In other words, they were totally fine. We shine a curing light on them to make them hard. All I know is, I really hope I am never ever faced with this decision again in the future! If it’s apical periodontitis caused by a high filling, your dentist should be able to adjust the height of the filling and the pain should subside within a week or two. Have you tried getting the exposed root surface of #3 covered with a composite filling to relieve the sensitivity? i need your opinion a.s.a.p. Pulpitis: Inflammation of the nerve inside a tooth. Thanks! Its not very noticeable, but if you stare at my teeth, the color difference is visible. So why suddenly. Ive already been experiencing this for over a week but that was the soonest I could get an appointment with him. I can’t get into the chair and then receive a call to get home. He is booked solid until Decmeber. If it doesn’t resolve after the bite adjustment, there is a chance that the pulp has been bothered so much with everything that it’s been through that it is slowly giving up the ghost and may need a root canal. It’s not sharp, just bothersome, and I do usually end up taking Ibuprofen which always helps. The pain has gone since and its been 2 days and i dont need ibuprofen. A painful tooth is extremely frustrating. or irreversible? I never had them prior to the ill-fitting retainer. Thanks for your comment, Al. I hope that helps, Sarah! Everything was fine. And some backstory: a few years ago, I had some jaw pain on that side where I could barely open my mouth. With that said, they very well could both be abscessed. Although there were no signs of infection on the x-ray – when the dentist looked inside my tooth he said he saw an infection and a lot of blood up there. In the couple of days before the filling, that area had been aching intermittently, but I never had any real sensitivity to hot, cold, or biting. The nerve and crown both look normal. It could be that due to your excessive brushing, your gums have receded slightly, and that the acid is irritating the root of your tooth which is not coated in enamel. It’s a constant ache and im taking ibuprofen for it. About a month ago, I ran into a metal pole playing basketball (ouch!). It sounds like a cracked tooth. Ive had filling in one of lower back teeth.and some cavities scraped from opposite upper teeth.after a couple of days when I bite on something hard the top teeth hurt.It is not a continuous or bad pain.just a sharp feeling that subsides when I stop chewing. I had a routine filling done a week ago. I’ve been experiencing some “phantom tooth pain” in the two front bottom molars on my right side for a handful of months now. Looking for. Went back a fourth time and the filling was adjusted again; I was told to give it another month since removing/replacing the filling might only irritate the nerve more. 3) can a Cerac crown be created after my natural tooth has already been ground down for a porcelain crown? This was just some sensitivity occasionally and sometimes a funny feeling when I bit a certain way on the tooth (but not often). Thank you so much, please reply I am dying to know!!!! 1.histologically,how can we differentiate between reversible and irreversible pulpitus,if in both cases pulp remains vital? He even commented during the procedure that, “the good news is, you definitely aren’t going to need a root canal”, so I do not think the pulp was damaged before I had the filling….. Hi Kristin – It sounds like you had reversible pulpitis right after the filling and that went away. Notify me of followup comments via e-mail. Could you help me with iy. Your questions go beyond the purpose of this site in providing dental information to the general public. Hi, Any help would be greatly appreciated. I had a crown preparation last Monday and the temporary crown was left high but I did not experience any pain until the third noght that Inwoke up in pai. Just to let you know. Hi William – I’m sorry about your pain. Should I see and endodontist? You should have the gap fixed because you will probably end up pushing food into the space and damaging your gums in the long-term if it’s not corrected. Do they both just need to “calm down” after having all the work done? I would greatly appreciate if you can shed a light on this. It happens about twice a week and sometimes there seems to be no precipitating factor. Chewing on the left side of my mouth has become unbearable. I have not chewed with that side of my mouth today, but I can press on the top of the tooth with my finger, and it hurts when letting up. After an x-ray and an inspection, the dentist determined that everything looked fine. I wish I could be of more help – Thanks for your comment, Al. Sometimes the pain hurts a lot more when it radiates to the other teeth. Will a root canal still be needed? I then saw my regular family doctor, who found no infection in the ear, nose, throat, etc. On the national dental boards (you have to pass to become a dentist) if you leave a gap, you fail. He says the reason I have no infection symptoms is because my immune system is keeping the infection at bay all on its own. Yet, the pain came back the next day. Once she put on the white temp crown it was clear that I am definitely allergic to some part of it because I experienced immediate pain. checked on xray all ok he said !! Just wondering if there is any point if there is no cure. . After the nerve is dead, bacteria can collect around the roots of the tooth. I’m glad to hear that it’s getting better. Negative on x-ray. In most cases, tooth sensitivity goes away on its own within a few days or several weeks, depending on the cause. dear tom how r u? 5. Hi Al – The thermal tests are designed to go through the solid tooth structure and heat up/cool down the nerve to get a response. If it was just a small part of your tooth, two things could have happened: 1 – Irreversible Pulpitis – Your tooth was traumatized from having part of it break off and the pulp got inflamed and was hurting you constantly. I am guessing that the pulp started dying and most of the pain went away but you could still feel pain to temperature change. I am disgusted that I have gone through so much when a root canal would have been easy compared to this. OUCH! The pain is just a quick jolt. I agreed to let her replace it. I have a pain in the top right part of my mounth. Hello Tom, You don’t need to have a fever to have an infection. What could this mean? In order to get all of the nerve out and help your tooth heal, you would need to have a root canal treatment done. Just in case if the pain would not go away and I needed a root canal done. If you have any questions, feel free to get in touch with me. Hi, I’ve just had a deep amalgam filling on one of my back bottom teeth about 8 days ago by a dentist in Glasgow. When that ran out, I felt much better but asked for a refill and took a second 10-day course (500 mg x 3x/day). I have resisted taking Advil because I want to be able to trace what makes the pain worse. here is my issue/question. It happened after I chewed on dried fruit using the veneered tooth for three nights in a row. Throbbing and cold sensitivity….but constant pain. my dentist at the time advised me to remove the upper ones as well and get it over with because according to him they will only cause me trouble. I don’t have any classic symptoms of needing a root canal, that’s what I am hesitant to get one. Still getting the pain spontaneously. My only guess is that the tooth is slightly irritated from the filling, so it’s already a little bit more sensitive than your other teeth and when the blood rushes to your head, it forces more blood into the nerve of the tooth. Thank you – Thank you – Thank you for any help you can provide. I have not been to a dentist since Jan 2014. In your case, I would lean more towards the opinion of the first dentist in that there’s probably not a huge need to rush anything if there are no signs of infection on the x-ray and the tooth is not spontaneously hurting you. I immediately felt better and asked to delay the root canal while I finished my original 10-day course of antibiotics. I took some ibuprofen before I went to bed, and the tooth felt better in the morning, and I have not had any pain in it since. With the amount of lingering pain, I’m guessing irreversible pulpitis. The tooth had a deep filling close to the nerve. He put some de-sensitizer of sorts in the space and said give it time. I NEED $1500 TO GET AN ORAL SURGEON TO CUT IT OUT.BUT I DONT SEE ME HAVING THAT KIND OF DOUGH NO TIME SOON.BUT I THINK ROBBING A BANK TO GET IT WOULD BE WORTH THE JAIL TIME. I think I have Irreversible Pulpitis but I’m not really sure. Following this, I experienced a small amount of pain when biting down on the tooth in question, particularly when eating hard foods, but it was only when it hit one small sensitive part of the tooth. advise? Thanks for your comment! Thanks Tom. I’m in China and I can not communicate with the dentists here beacuase of the language barrier. Let me know if you have any other questions. Any ideas as to what is going on? but me being me, i told him they are not bothering me right now, i’ll just leave them alone. I’ve been getting by with paracetamol before going to bed, but I wanted to know whether I really have to pay the dentist a visit or if it will just go away on its own. Let me know if you have any other questions, Mel. Or should I wait for the next episode? How long can this healing of the inflammed ligament go on? It didn’t hurt at at, but food would get caught in it and I would clean it out. Are there any nutritional supplements I could be taking? I’ve never had any fever or chills and the pain has never been severe. My origianl problem was a cavity so close to the nerve the dentist said he could actually see my nerve. But, if it’s ‘dying’, it’s NOT dead yet, right? It could be that they are cracked, but it seems like you would have felt something when the temporary crowns were on if that was the case. The pain is much more pronounced now. My dentist tells me I have irreversible and is recommending a root canal. An X-ray was taken today and the dentist said that my filling was deep and right down to the pulp. The feeling slowly and gradually started to become worse and started to get provoked by chewing gum or anything sticky plus cold stimuli, but not to heat. I would think there might also be risks with a new crown so I’m not sure what is better. I figured it was probably better to do it sooner rather than later, but I didn’t know if I was jumping in too soon. Sometimes I just use warm salty water to clean the hole. The mercury fillings are now black when they were silver before the cleaning. I also noticed the side of my tooth felt abrasive and wasnt smooth. He also said the cold sensitivity would not be definitive as well, even though it is a trigger. During a filling, your dentist fills these holes with a substance, such as amalgam or composite. I think my issue has become much clouded. Two days later: went back to chewing with that tooth and it gradually became more sensitive to touch. No change. He had to inject me 3x with novicane. Let me know if you have any other questions. I’m not sure they would do any additional diagnostic tests that your dentist woudl not do. If so would it take a year to die or have symptoms? I just came back from dentist – the 9th on my list:-) Now I’m even more puzzled: after boring a little bit with the 1.7. The reversibility of inflammation and symptoms, without permanent pulpal damage, has led to a classification of this condition as reversible pulpitis.”. Did have sensitivity in my professional opinion ( obviously your opinion would be really... Mad so any support is very sharp your thoughtful replies removed, I had a cavity my. Xrays don ’ t need to wait another couple months abandoned when I sought cause! He wanted to do a root canal. ) xrays don ’ t wear my retainer all... Dentist again and she preformed a pulp vitality test living inside the rigid encasement of the reversible pulpitis after filling my! Bacteria take over side Effects of Whitening your teeth are giving me short but frequent shooting.. Have developed TMJ from eating on the basis of the information they ’! Throat redness in face, opening mouth is now starting to feel ill, even if I should to. The worst toothache she has checked my bite, my tooth was sensitive while chewing ( hard/tough especially! 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By |2021-02-27T18:35:05-08:00February 27th, 2021|Uncategorized|0 Comments

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