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reversible pulpitis after crown

//reversible pulpitis after crown

reversible pulpitis after crown

I had a 15+ year old crown fall off of a vital tooth a few weeks ago. Should I just go with HMO or pay out of pocket for PPO consult or actual ongoing care? Basically half the tooth was gone. I was wanting another opinion because a consultation with the endodontist was costing me a lot more money. only in that spot of the crown though not the hole crown . In your case I wonder if the tooth with the crown was dead already but since you weren’t putting pressure on it, you never had a problem. So, I now have 3 crowns lower Left, 3 crowns lower Right, the replaced crown upper Right and 2 new front teeth (these were broken as a child and were capped) The crown evidently had been leaking for a long time. I really appreciate your quick response. Filed crown down, and then did x-ray and root testing (tapping, CO2 snow, etc..) and root appeared to be okay and healthy (reversible pulpitis). The tooth hurts because the area around the tooth connecting it to the bone is inflamed and or infected. Half the cost is a huge red flag. The question is how much suffering do you want to go through first. My dentist has asked me to take ibuprofen 3 times a day for the next 5 days. i can still feel that bruising today. So he shaved down the crown, gave me a rinse ($35) and said give it a week. I wasn’t aware of the condition of #30, so I was surprised when I was told about #30. I almost wish I had the root canal from the onset. The filling went all the way across to the other tooth. Opinion? Is sinus bruising likely, is that common, how might this play out? My concern is that I still feel sensitivity around the inner part of the gum area around the crown. I have taken excellent care of the crowned tooth. Many people will think it’s the tooth when in fact it’s the sinuses and vice versus. It is getting worse as the hours pass. After 3 months with the filling and no pain, we did the temporary crown. 4 years ago, I had a crown put on a tooth. Thank you very much! Pulpitis occurs when there is an infection in the center of the tooth. I feel the bite is ok now, but I am not sure what’s causing so much pain. I had a RCT recently (upper third molar) and had a dental crown fixed next day morning i found these brown lines on the lower side as in the side used for chewing of the crown and the tooth pains .The pain has been for 2 days as of now. The crown just covers up everything. A month ago I went in for a cleaning and the dentist said my upper left molar was chipped on the buccal. I was fine, then a filling fell out of tooth 2. Tonight I’m in excruciating pain and they said it’s just a temporary crown, it’s not supposed to hurt. I had a root canal done on August 7th and a crown installed on August 28th of this year. Not uncommon for a tooth to take a couple years to go bad. My guesstimate is 10% have longer than that. Also having a few odd random twinges on that side of my jaw now (although that might be related to TMJ). Get a dentist to look at it. ). I also notice that when I floss there is a bump of where the crown ends and the root begins, almost as if the crown is too narrow. Any advice on what to expect? In cases other than accidental trauma to a tooth, there is a lot you can do to preserve your smile. Hello. It’s been 8 days since the crown replacement (temporary crown as I get the new crown permanent in mid-January). Starting last night around 4am I woke up with throbbing pain. The only thing is the root canal is acting up. I would appreciate if you could help me to understand what could be going on and if I should or shouldn’t be worrying about it too much. I cannot eat or sleep. Should I be concerned that it was fine for almost 2 weeks and is now acting up? Or has it actually died on me? Everything was within normal limits, I did not experience much pain, however, I am just now realizing I took 2 advils 5 hours prior to the visit. Thank you for any advise. I had severe pain under a 10 year old root canal and crown that turned out to be an infection (diagnosed via X-ray). Prior to the crown my tooth never had one single issue. This symptom is the typical reason patients seek dental treatment. Visually nothing looks different and I’m sure I didn’t eat anything hard, nor do i grind my teeth so i have no idea what could be causing it. Sounds like a root canal is getting more and more likely. Dentist decided to replace silver filling with colored filling. Everyone in the house having sinus pressure/pain (allergies/colds) and wondering, actually hoping, that is all it is with mine. You can see what 4 canals of a root canal look like here If only 3 were filled the fourth could possibly be feeling cold and be what is causing your problem, but I doubt it. I thought that as long as you took care of it, that the crown would protect the tooth from decay. When the dentist put it back on for me he noticed that there was quite a bit of decay and very little cement left. That way, if i need the root canal after all/If the pain gets worse, they can easily remove it, perform the root canal, and place it back without drilling through the new crown. Needing something to be retracted so can seat the crown doesn’t sound right to me. could it be a crack in the root? Hi Dr. Bryan, your post is very helpful. Will the soreness go away? The tissue inside will calcify and eventually there will be so little tissue left you won’t feel anything. I am afraid maybe the glue came off it. So far not happy with the fit of the crown to the bite of the crown in the lower jaw. You likely do/did have small crack. I had two temporary crown placed on my left molar. I took two aleve and the pain disappeared after around 10-15 mins. The entire procedure lasted for 3hours. I’m having to take Aleve to relieve the pain. The pain is more like a burning/pressure feeling. Maybe with an endodontist. Showed up to my dentist. The first couple days I had a little throbbing pain here and there but now it is constant and getting worse. The periodontist said the gums looked ok…maybe he was not thorough enough. Have the dentist recheck the bite while you are not numb. I paid thousands for the crown, so now I am thinking extraction and implant might be the better option at this point. I’ve recently started eating again on that side and flossing around the crown and it seems better (the next inner corner of my jaw is a little sore sometimes.) I tested the tooth in front of it to make sure it wasn’t that one and I didn’t feel any pain, so I pressed on the crown and the pain was intense. Hey Bryan, I got a root canal done a month ago and I recently got my crown put on today on tooth 19 and it really hurts I can’t eat on that side and I also got fillings done on tooth 12 2 weeks ago by the same dentist and I can’t eat or floss on that tooth and she keep saying oh the pain will go away but it’s not?? My crown was placed 5days ago. They also told me there’s no sign of inflammation but it’s likely due to nerve damage. As suggested by my dentist, i underwent cautery and post and core treatment and a crown was placed at sub-gingival margin. Should I expect any problems for this procedure. (Not dental tourism, just bad timing.) the RC was done 3,4 years back. They saw you and possibly tested by tapping or blowing cold air on it so they would know better than I. People need a second informed opinion like this, maybe more! The dentist said I had a cavity in the tooth next to the tooth that he was doing the crown in. As long as that tissue stays alive you are all good. Like a 4 hr. How much time should I give it to heal and settle down? No one has a clue! The x-rays don’t show that there’s any nerves left. I guess it’s likely due to the crack on my old crown that eventually cause the crown to break. The wait and see advice is very good advice and much preferable IMO to over-diagnosising and telling everyone they need a root canal as soon as they feel a little pain. I am from India, I have had Root canal treatment before 10 days, and the crown has been placed by my dentist after 5 days of root canal filling. I charge a small fee for this, usually around $150, and if it works I put that money towards the final crown. In fact those ares are MORE prone to decay because where the crown meets the tooth is never a perfect seal so there is always bacteria hanging out there, thus more likely to get decay there. I went through two rounds many shots a piece to try and get it numbed and I heard him saying that he hoped my root wasn’t fractured because it wouldn’t be good. I usually opt to do the root canal unless all pain is gone before cementing or bonding the final crown/onlay. After seeing my dentist and having him inspect the area, he said it was clean and all i would have to do is have it re-cemented. So not sure if I need the crown reduced or if I may need a root canal. It’s very helpful to get a free second opinion instead of jumping from dentist to dentist just to get some answers. Had a tooth extracted Monday simple extraction when am I out of the woods for developing dry socket. It appears normal apically. I had a crown placed on the second to last molar on the lower right side in February. Update and question. I would go see a dentist asap. Awesome. What should I do now? I don’t know if my bite is right because I can’t remember what it should feel like. New crown will be placed in 3 weeks and dentist said we can use temp “cement” for a few months to see what the tooth is going to do before we permanently cement it. Dentist, who is new for me but seems very good said it needed a crown. Should the filling be reshaped to stop the pinch? Pain comes and goes during the day. Crown prep was uncomfortable but not too bad. What is your opinion? Do you think he hit my nerve??? When my dentist got the two old ones off, one tooth was good and the other had a cavity. Thank you. There is no right answer because no one knows for sure if the tissue will live or die or how quickly. A tooth that is slightly sensitive before the crown is much more likely to become an RCT after the crown. But since last 2 days i am feeling continuous pain in my tooth. My concern is that the pain I had been feeling between the time period of the first filling and the medicated filling has returned, and it happens even when I am not chewing. The other root canal he did was perfect and no issues only when I touch it is it senstive. For whatever reason, the tooth immediately developed bite pressure pain (no better with the replacement temp crown). On easter my crown broke off. This is three months later. thank you for the quick reply.. I could feel the needle going in and dispersing the gel. I continued taking Advil 200mg each 4x a day. I feel like the tenderness is only caused by the bite being off. Until last night, when out of the blue i began to have a radiating/throbbing pain from my tooth that seemed to come in waves, sometimes throbbing and sometimes more of a pressure feeling. Now I am experiencing sharp pain when I drink anything cold. Unfortunately my new dental insurance that just takes affect today does not cover anything major for 6 months. That is strange to have pain in the extraction site still. I originally was going to get an implant, but my dentist convinced me to try this first… This has been a nightmare from the start. Thank You! Do you have a temp in? For heaven’s sake, how long should I suffer? I have a crown on my back molar and what appears to be a canker sore on my mouth floor (same side / front). 1) Last August, I had a root canal done on #32 by endodontist. Root canal made no change. The temporary crowns I had gave me no problem at all and everything was fine. lit hit one side of the crown and it did not feel good sort of in between the crown and tooth in front of it and hit a corner of the crown and it is sore today. How long should I wait before I see someone? Also root canals and whatever trauma led up to the tooth needing a root canal can result in abnormal pain perception. Went to a new dentist and then did a cold test on the tooth and ensured me i didnt need a root canal. I’m sure the dentists has checked the bite if you’ve gone back twice so I would think you need a root canal at this point. See a dentist, that sounds like needs a root canal. Shoulder I find a dentist that has specializes tools (transillumination/microscopes) to detect cracks? If I may add my experience. I only have one other crown (gold) and it’s on a root canalled tooth. Is that normal? Hi, had a small fracture on my lower right side tooth & had a temporarily crown been in pain for the past few days that comes & goes. Pulpitis can be painful. I went back 2-3 weeks later (this past Monday, Jan.12th) and they completed the root canal and put on the permanent crown. I went back for my permanent and now I have pain when I chew on that side. Thank you for responding. was over 4 hours and the dentist went back an forth to other patients. I have a list we give patients that are moving on how to find a good dentist. I have to take Motrin twice daily to make it through the day. thank you so much for the reply! How long to wait? A few weeks ago, a different dentist (my usual dentist and this dentist work in the same building) prepped me for a temporary crown. Is it possible the bite on the crown is too high? During the preparation we had hard time getting the correct bite. He said that the temp. I thought it must have been from tooth #31, but when my tongue touches tooth #30, I get a sensation and pretty confident the pain is in that tooth not further back. If someone came to me months after with issue then I would be doing a root canal. after 7 days, the pain was excruciating and getting worse each day. At this point if I was in your shoes I would do the root canal. I appreciate any information you can offer, thank you! You are likely borderline needing a root canal. When the condition is irreversible, pulpal inflammation does not go away even after removing the cause. X-ray finally diagnosed the crack.- the short story. When i went in they drilled and put the temp crown on. The outside surface of the crown fits well against my gum, am I expecting too much for the inside to fit similarly? First things that come to find are a crown with a misfit or space in between the teeth. Then i just got the perm crown put on. Following the re-do of the root canal, a new carbon fiber post was put in and then the Dentist ground down the tooth for the second crown. According to him, the tooth and roots look good. Or this is a wrong way to pursue – to do root canal beforehand? The circumstances that a new crown is required would be if it was left out for an extended period of time and the teeth shifted, the tooth had decay under it, the crown broke or was lost, or part of the tooth broke inside the crown. Then two weeks ago it started throbbing. It might still settle down but in my experience ones that hurt that badly end up needing a root canal at some point. Well he puts a permanent crown on and 3 hours later it’s just as sensitive and painful to cold as it was before & he is going on vacation after tomorrow for 2 weeks. If not then your options become more limited to extraction. I think it’s highly likely you are correct with where you are headed – dental implant. The other endontist I spoke with said the same thing. However, there is a carious open margin and an open contact with #2. While he shaved the height of the crown he did nothing to address the tightness. Well, I had the root canal, posts, and temp crown put on yesterday. It’s been 6 days with the temp crown and I still have the same biting pain as before. I went to the dentist within the month, and it turns out I already had a cavity. I’m not sure what you are doing with a flashlight but that is a waste of time. Last year, one of my crowned teeth (#3) needed a root canal. I felt no pain or nothing after they placed the temporary crown on. Appreciate you taking the time to do so. There was a hole in the crown. The Ibuprofen typically works pretty well. contributing to the pain from the temp crown. Hi just been to Turkey to have work done iv had 3 bridges and iv also had 19 crowns very traumatic I love my new teeth I also had 1 root canal done and I’m still in pain on bottom left hand side I no it’s only been 3 days ibuprofen seems to kill the pain also on antibiotics will this settle or would I need more canal treatment o was getting the pain before crowns was put but dident no where it was coming from. Wheaton Orthodontist, Dentist, Pediatric Dentist, Meet Dr. Lynse Briney – Pediatric dentist, Meet Dr. Martin Dettmer – Retired dentist, White pediatric crown – stainless steel crown alternative,,,,,, You can see what 4 canals of a root canal look like here. The area was cleaned out and the temp was reapplied. I had a root canal/crown put on about 6 months ago. Cracks and decay typically grow pretty slowly so if you have decay or a crack the nerve can adapt to some extent to that but it will also cause inflammation. He mentioned a pain pill if discomfort. the X-ray revealed an infection, but the dentist also saw a white line that ‘could be’ a fracture. Bad pain for a month. Dr, I had two bridges done at the same time. To shave off part of a tooth for a crown (especially before I have permanent crown in?). Your local family dentists can usually restore the tooth if it’s at this stage. This past week, I developed a stuffy sinus on that same side and now the nasolabial fold area is having the same feeling as after the root canal but before the apicoectomy. The pain is not excruciating–more like mildly sore & throbbing. I contacted the dentist. Meantime, 25% of tooth #4 on opposite side of upper mouth broke off last week. I did have a root canal on my tooth after crown had fallen off within 6 days and then put back on. There was some decay under the fillings. The top isn’t too bad but the two bottom crowns are giving me pain, which Ibuprofen relieves for about 12 hours. I’ve gone back twice already due to being to high. I have store purchased mouth guards but also have an appointment with my regular dentist next week for custom made mouth guards. It has cost me over $3000.00. I am fearful that it is indeed needing RCT despite the WNL results. I had a crown on the lower molar less than 2 years ago and it broke recently. i did not have much pain with the tapping/pressing down at all and the pain with whatever cold topical she put on my tooth went away very quickly/only felt it in one area which she reported resulted in my WNL results. I’m taking ibuprofen and also being awaken my pain. One day bit into something and crown hurt. I am in excruciating pain! How long do I need to wait for it to heal or shall I go back to see the dentist? They moved fast while I was confused and not sure. They both seem to have a flat top. Could it still settle down? I very much hope that it is just the bite. My dentist placed the temporary crown 6 days after my root canal. I decided to try and save the tooth and consented to a crown. Recently, when I drink water, it’s almost like it leaks into one of the crowns causing extreme pain for about 15 seconds. Thank you so much! My Dentist said the tooth I had a root canal on might be cracked, she mentioned an implant. Seems like this will Nobel’s another 60 days before it feels better! I have two other crowns and this type of sensitivity has never happened before. I understand her not wanting to do a root canal, I don’t have any temperature sensitivity or pain aside from biting and even when I do bite the pain isn’t bad. I would def. Is this common? I got the permanent crown and it was too high and caused me so much pain! I went to the dentist, also to the endo to have it evaluated. Everyone thinks I am crazy & its just tooth bumps but to me it isn’t, I really need a second opinion & help. You need to wait awhile before you know for sure but a root canal is a definite possibility based on your description. I tell may patients 2-3 days and that is usually accurate. I asked my dentist and she had no answer, like it had nothing to do with what they did. ( Going for a Tylenol) . Should I wait it out and see if the pain subsides a bit (having the temporary crown in has helped with eating), or should I call my dentist? So right now the tissue inside the tooth is inflamed and you feel it as pain when something hot or cold touches it. I have had 2 crowns put on on teeth 1 and 17. Hi. Teeth that have a lot of work like yours eventually break. She said lets wait for two days, she gave me a telephone number for an emergency oral surgeon just in case. I had a filling done around the same time on a lower right tooth, but the filling wasn’t as deep as the upper tooth. More likely nerve is struggling. With flossing and brushing, and avoiding eating on that side at all, it went away. I was fitted for a permanent crown one week ago. I personally feel if a root canals is failing one must consider a dental implant, but this is a case by case issue. Did anyone do a 3D xray yet? That sound like issue with the root canal or the roots. By the way I opted for the bridges cause I had two teeth extracted; one upper right the other lower left. Go visit another dentist and see what they think. It never had pain. If only one tooth the tooth usually moves but in certain cases, especially the last tooth in the mouth then the joint and muscles also adapt. The intensity of the pain has gotten a bit better but now it is at a constant, still hurting and I feel like it shouldn’t be hurting anymore. It varies with a tooth like that. It was ok for a week and now I am again sensitive to cold. Hello I know people that have had many root canals done. (Just in case i end up needing a root canal) i have absolutely no pain with my crown on unless i chew food on that side. Sounds like root canal is needed. So today I go in and am ready to pay the $2200 for a crown and root canal but they made me wait 3 hours cause he was doing a wisdom root canal, that’s fine I waited. Scan of these include: infection in the nerve and tissues, I was in your shoes I do... Jan 6 and when I floss and waterpick it hurts when I also. Preparing the tooth I ran to the ER with a crown or even water! Away and according to him, the endodonist did a crown 2 weeks mystery crown pain clean is! So that may be what they did the root canal on July 2nd this. Slowly getting better over time then may be off had chewing sensitivity — a little form the trauma of a... The woods for developing dry socket t noticed anything negative, besides normal sensitivity to cold also has crack... 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By |2021-02-27T18:35:05-08:00February 27th, 2021|Uncategorized|0 Comments

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